Funny Facts – I Love Microsoft Excel

Most people who use computers, both professionally and for home use will have come across Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint – well my favourite is Excel, followed closely by PowerPoint.

Excel is powerful once you grasp the use of formulas and graphs.

An example of something I helped a friend with sometime back was; extracting data from a workbook with over 100,000 rows of data that was useful to build a graph/ chart.

I used a combination of IF and MATCH statements that produced a list of data that met a certain condition. From this a cool graph/ chart was built that allowed the user to understand the distribution of data across the Globe.

All the information is in the data but taking that data and creating a story via a chart, it really goes to say that “a Picture Tells a Thousand Words” (or Rows of Data on this case!)

Reach out if you need support setting up financial or other data heavy applications. I will help you set it up so going forward you can go on to use it by yourself.

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